Is gambling a sin yahoo answers

Christians: Is gambling a sin, and if so, why??? | Yahoo ...

Why is gambling so hated? | Yahoo Respuestas That's why people don't like gambling, because it's a quick way to lose all your money when you least expect it. Not only that, but the gambler's fallacy could cause someone to think they're "due a win" after a streak of losses, with obvious results. On a related note gambling is based entirely on luck, and luck can turn at any time. Christians, please answer. is this a sin? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: It is a sin, but is it a mortal sin? No, though you should still confess it. For a sin to be a mortal sin, it must be three things: 1. Its subject must be a grave (or serious) matter. 2. It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offence (no one is ... Isn't it a sin to gamble (read the ... - Most Christians say that gambling is a sin. This is the reason why gambling is illegal in most of the USA, and why the most avid opponents of Casinos opening up in new places are usually the religious... In which case wouldn't god reserve a special place in hell for those who believe in him/her based upon Pascal's Wager? Follow-up question poised to ... -

Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for Is your addiction to yahoo answers a sin...Is gambling a sin? [Religion & Spirituality] I don't believe that gambling is a sin but I do think that excessive/addiction to gambling is a disease.

They are not playing at the casino, but they are being careless stewards of God’s money. They should have let a professional who has been trained guide them. Habitual or compulsive gambling is a sin. Squandering of God’s resources is a sin. Conclusion: When we talk about gambling, we usually refer to an ongoing pattern of gambling. Is gambling a sin? - Quora Finally, gambling may be a foolish and extravagant waste of money. That said, I can imagine that for some people in some circumstances none of these would apply. Think it over carefully. You may decide that gambling is not a sin for you. In that case, feel free to enjoy it. Where In The Bible Does It Say Gambling Is A Sin? | Christian ... Where In The Bible Does It Say Gambling Is A Sin? I can't even find the word Gamble in the (KJV) Bible anywhere. I've heard it was sinful and I looked every where in the Bible to find it. Is Gambling a sin and if so where can I find it in the scriptures relating to this. Thanks for any answers to my question Zotah Is it a sin to gamble at the Las Vegas airport for an ... - Yahoo Hi there, I don't think it's a sin as long as you keep the proper perspective. If you go into it assuming that you will lose your $20, and if/when you do, you have the self-control to let it go and not try to gamble more, then I don't think its any different than spending $20 on going to see a movie or eat at a good restaurant.

Is gambling a sin? | NeverThirsty

Why is gambling a sin - I don't know that gambling in and of itself is a sin. The motives behind it can be sinful. Like the state lotteries and the owners of casinos taking advantage of ... Online Gambling? | Yahoo Answers

Gambling addiction yahoo answers That's also bogus, because if you're willing to allow people 18 years of age and up serve in the military, drinking should be a no-brainer. There's an interesting sin from an online gambling industry insider that tells of some of the experiences of working in an online casino Some of the sites yahoo pretty ...

Christians(of all varieties) is gambling a sin? | Yahoo ... Gambling is a root of sin but it in itself is not. Gambling could be done (lottery is considered as gambling), but if the money used was just an extra amount. But when someone gambles, to the extent that the money he uses is for something else, then that is what is considered as the sin Is It a Sin for a Christian to Gamble? - What Christians Want ... Is gambling a grey-area matter for believers? Is the Bible silent about gambling? Is it a sin for Christians to gamble? I had a job opportunity that would have been just 8 minutes from my home in cleaning services. At present I work almost an hour away from home. This job would have been at ...

Question: "Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?" Answer: The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery.The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5).

Bible Answers with Pastor Mike. "Is Gambling a Sin?". Have any questions? Please email us at askpastormike@compasschurch.or­g. Is Gambling a Sin? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG Although the Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, we can discern from Bible principles that God views gambling as a sin. —Ephesians 5: 17. Gambling is driven by greed, which God hates.

What does the Bible say about gambling? | The Bible does not directly mention gambling for money. Neither does it provide an exhaustive list of forbidden behaviors in several areas. That is not the Bible’s purpose. Its purpose is to draw people to God. Anyone who finds himself asking, “Is it okay to…” ought to first question his ... Is Gambling a Sin? – Jimmy Akin Q: Isn’t gambling a sin? How then can you Catholics justify playing bingo? — and in church yet! A: First of all, the stereotype of bingo-playing Catholics is really overblown. The vast majority of parishes don’t even have a bingo night. Second, gambling is not in and of itself wrong. Read your ... Is Gambling considered a sin? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: What goes on in Las Vegas is not gambling. By law it is called gaming in Nevada. Gambling implies that it is possible to win over the long term. Those big beautiful entertainment complexes along the strip did not get built because you can win.I find it sinful that these places are promoted as a path to easy riches. Is gambling a sin? | Verse By Verse Ministry International