Bacula device autochanger has 0 slots

Nov 26, 2013 ... ... my auto-changer. The output has been trimmed to exclude other devices. .... 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2, drive 0" command. Bacula - Users - Configuring a fake autochanger for a standalone ... I had to use the workaround of setting up a fake autochanger with one drive. The problem is that ... Changer Device is a total guess - it's the generic SCSI device corresponding to the ... defined in catalog (slot=0) for Volume

Released Version 3.0.3 and 3.0.3a This chapter presents the new features added to the Released Bacula Version 3.0.2. Use the new Bareos 12.4 features - Device "Drive-1" has 39 slots. Connecting to Storage daemon TandbergT40 at bareos:9103 ... 3306 Issuing autochanger "listall" command. Bacula backup server on Debian Lenny, with remote SQL server

Now the 'update slots' command does not recognize the number of slots in my autochanger [1] anymore. Here is the console conversation: *update slots storage=tape1 Enter autochanger drive[0]: 0 Connecting to Storage daemon tape1 at ... 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command. Device "changer1" has 0 slots.

Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume "" on "Drive-2" (/dev/nst1). Manual load may be required. ... has the User Bacula the required rights ? if changer had a barcodereader you don't label the tape ... 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command. 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded. ... Simone 2.0: Bacula with USB disks, vchanger altered P.S.: remember to take care of file permissions, since Bacula needs to read them from its user; so I suggest to chown the USB disks and vchanger folder with user 'bacula' and group 'tape' (or whatever you use to run the bacula-sd daemon ). The FreeBSD Diary -- Tape Libraries & Bacula *label barcodes Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog Using Catalog "MyCatalog" The defined Storage resources are: 1: File 2: FileRemote 3: FileRemoteTLS 4: DLT 5: TapeLibrary 6: DLTRemote 7: DLTRemoteTLS Select Storage resource (1-7): 5 Connecting to Storage daemon TapeLibrary at ... 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command. Device "DLTLIB0" has 0 slots. Bacula Storage em Qualquer Nuvem com Rclone e Rclone ...

Try to label or unmount the tape Actual results: *label storage=Quantum-Changer pool=LTO5-Pool slots=1-3 barcodes Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog Using Catalog "MyCatalog" Connecting to Storage daemon Quantum-Changer at ... 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command. Device "LTO5" has 0 slots.

Bacula R Console and Operators Guide Device status: Autochanger "DDS-4-changer" with devices: "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0) Device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0) is not open. Drive 0 is not loaded. Cannot find any appendable volumes – Bacula – Dan Langille's Device="CreyFile" (/usr/local/bacula/volumes) *m 25-Jan 17:13 crey-sd JobId 197628: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "DiffAuto-4496" on file device "CreyFile" (/usr/local/bacula/volumes) 25-Jan 17:13 crey-sd JobId 197628: New volume … Testing a tape library – Dan Langille's Other Diary $ sudo camcontrol amcontrol devlist Password: at scbus12 target 0 lun 0 (pass11,ch0) at scbus12 target 4 lun 0 (pass13,sa1) at scbus12 target 5 lun 0 (sa0,pass12 …

Bacula won't make use of 2 tape devices simultaneously.Firstly, there's a Spectra Logic T50e autochanger, 40 slots of LTO5 goodness, and that robot's got a pair of IBMThe Dell server has Ubuntu 12.04 server, and runs the MediaAgent for CommVault, and mounts our BlueArc NAS as NFS...

Autochanger { # DELL PV-124T Name = Autochanger01 Device = Autochanger 01-Drive0 Changer Command = "/usr/local/sbin/chio-bacula %c %o %S %aWe still have the problem that: - we use the old version of bacula since that still comes with sqlite instead of postgres - bacula does not startup... Bog BOS: Сетевая система резервного копирования... Autochanger (позволяет сгруппировать устройства, входящие в одну автоматизированную библиотеку, возможно виртуальную, и обращаться к ним как к единому целому, позволяя серверу хранения выбрать доступный). Name (это имя указывается директором в запросе...

Bacula / Thread: [Bacula-users] bacula does not recognizes any slots of an ADIC-1200GI wasn't sure which autochanger device /dev/st0 or /dev/nst0. When I do #mt .. Sending label command for Volume "test" Slot 0 ..

Bacula + vchanger: bconsole "label barcodes" does not find ...

Bacula Autoloader Error: Device Autochanger has 0 slots. Posted by Anonymous . Forum List Message List New Topic. Anonymous. Bacula Autoloader Error: Device Autochanger has 0 slots ... Device "Autochanger" has 0 slots. No slots in changer to scan. I cannot seem to add Tapes/Volumes as bacula does not find any slots in the library. [Bacula-users] Bacula Autoloader Error: Device Autochanger has 0...